Solenoid Valve

CSV series Solenoid valves are mounted with electronical device. Electronical dedectors analyses the inner atmosphere air where the valve is placed, and in case of dangereous gas wxisting sends signal to shut off valve to prevent fire and explosions . After this situation, it is very simple to set up again and, when the inner atmosphere air is renewed and purged.

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Mechanical Seismic Valves

  In the recent times, these ae lost of worries about the endogas pipe lines of building which are placed in the earthquake regions. Mechanical seismic valve which is applied on pipeline easily is a precaution device that protects from leekage, fire and explosions. These kinds of production usage is obligated by responsible endogas distribution companies for benefits of mankind. Also this mechanical seismic valve is very sensitive to low vibration motion.

  Unique projection and using special balls enable to be set up vertical and horizontal practically. This valve is automatically tuns immediately and shuts off the gas flow by earthquake shakes and vibrations which may cause dangerous situations. Beside commonly used endogas pipelines, this valve is conveinent for LPG, air, and con-abrasive gas lines.

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KVKK :    Çerez Aydınlatma Metni Kişisel Veri Saklama ve İmha Politikası Müşteri Aydınlatma Metni Veri Sahibi Başvuru Formu